Wedding Rings, Spring 2016
Those are my rings in the image above – and if the house was burning down and I was only allowed to take one thing – it would be them. I look at them every day and love what they represent.
I love them for many reasons – firstly, my engagement ring was bought sight unseen from an auction house – now I’m not one to throw caution to the wind. I’m the sort that researches and after weeks of agonising finally makes a choice. Not this time – we saw it, we loved it, we made a bid at a snip of the retail value. And we got it! It arrived, it fitted perfectly and I love it. It was a great life lesson for me – sometimes it’s good to not overanalyse and just do it. My wedding ring represents something else – it’s made up from diamonds from a ring originally belonging to my mother – gifted to her by my father, her husband, on learning he had terminal cancer. It’s been reset and bound together with gold panned by him in nearby rivers. And so every time I look at it I think of what it represented for them and what it now represents for me. Finally, I added one last ring to complement the others. Recently, my husband and I went on holiday and we wanted to acknowledge it by buying each other a ring. Midway through we spotted it – it’s fake diamonds – you can’t tell and once again I love it.
So keep your mind open to your choice of rings – and just maybe, like me, you might be reminded of a few of life’s lessons every time you glance at your hands.